Ducky's celebrating the return of some old friends

//waves semaphore flags :crossed_flags:

“Amazing” was a word coming to my mind too, yeah. :smiley:

Looks like the forum was less dead and more just dormant. :slight_smile:

[nods] Gender is hard.

What’s happened here since I was last really active? Oh yeah becoming a dad. That’s hard too :rofl:

Exactly what I’ve been thinking. It’s almost like it’s opposite day. Or Topsy Turvy day!

@TellyToon We were on life support for a while, but that was partially my own fault. I drifted away from my own site and wasn’t present for a year at least. Probably longer than that, but it’s so good to see everyone again.

Awww… I’ve missed you too, Jeanny! :heart: So happy to be reunited

Thank you! I wasn’t really enjoying the old forums anymore, so I spent about a week checking out alternatives before landing on this one. Once I realized how much more I liked using this platform and how much easier it was to start posting, I thought maybe there was a chance that others would like it as well, so I figured what do I have to lose by trying?

Hi @Mayhem! I think the last time I saw you around was when you and @ModernTimes were necroposting on an super old post about a contest that never happened :joy:

@TNG (blizzard?), @bwrosas79, and @Nathaisionnach snuck in while I was sleeping :laughing:

@Nathaisionnach’s last post was way back in 2012! :astonished: Wow, welcome back!
@bwrosas79 gave us the sneak peek of the Rescue Rangers’ appearance in the DuckTales reboot a couple of years ago. Maybe we’ll get some more inside scoops from you :grin:
@TNG …could this be Blizzard?? If so, Blizzard was also last seen talking about DuckTales! :laughing:

Keep the reunion party going!

Hi, just checked my email and saw this invite from Ducky. I thought this forum was long dead, was just thinking about it the other day and wondered if it was still around. Good to see a couple familiar faces and maybe some that I remember but don’t remember usernames from the old forum, so sorry. Last time I was I was on was probably maybe 2009, 2010? Around then it was just a handful of us regularly posting: me, Campisi (is that Light now?) Ducky, Scifly, a person with long gray hair who wrote a lot of erotic fanfics that I liked, (sorry I don’t remember usernames, are they here under a new name?) And a couple others, it was a pretty fun little group. Hope people remember me, seems like Ducky did since she sent the invite. I’m not familiar with this platform so you’ll have to forgive my technical ignorance.

Ksharbaugh, that’s who I couldnt remember, are you here?

Hello. I hope it’s not too confusing that I’ve changed my username, I’d actually wanted to for a while before disappearing into the shadows of the net anyway. So it’s me Scifly. If it’s easier I usually go by Scif or Cyph when I’m online.

I actually did drop by the old forum when I first heard about the RR movie coming, which I only learned about last month. Sorry for not logging in, its just been so long and I didn’t feel like I could really contribute to the then active threads. Stopped by the cafe too but I’ve long forgotten my password to that place.

@Ducky hello again. You gave and have given us again a platform to nerd out and tickle our nostalgia bones, I’m grateful and honoured to receive an invitation to continue to do that.

So far as I know, Campisi was, is, and will always be Campisi. I was Lightindark76 Light, and now ThatGuyLight.

One of the originals. Glad to see you’re still around and doing well, mate!

I also find your continuing story of coming out and discovering yourself touching. You are amongst friends here. I’m gay and have been working on myself for a number of years… never felt better these days and I’ll continue striving to improve :slight_smile:

Oh I remember you now Light, sorry, the bat avatar got me mixed up because Campisi used one too I thought. It’s been over 10 years since I visited the old forums so I’ve forgotten a lot of names, but theyre coming back to me.

I’ll have you know the contents of this dumpster are private…

Also, do I need to try to restrain myself or can I trust the filter to catch things? Because I’m still on like a Martin Scorsese level of swearing.

Thanks, I appreciate it! Glad you are on the path of self-discovery as well.

Yup, still “here”. I’ve no intro post since I was already here when the general invite went out.

Good to see you, sorry it took me a minute to remember you, it’s been awhile but memories are coming back, hope someone here remembers me.

Since last time I was on the forum, I’ve come out as both nonbinary and bisexual. It’s been a journey. It’s such a trip seeing everyone again and people are both more or less like I remember them AND a lot of stuff has happened at the same time.

Or, how I like to describe it, it’s kind of weird looking back and seeing how we’re pretty much the same but also realizing that we all seem to have got our shit together.