The short and sweet: discobot is an interactive tutorial on how to use the new forums
So you’re saying this has nothing to do with a disco-dancing robot…
discobot is the default name assigned by Discourse (short for discourse bot), but the name can be changed
So why not take a poll?
What name should be given to the discobot?
- Leave it as discobot
- Gadget (this might encourage response to the PM that initializes the tutorial)
- cndobot
- microchip
- gadgetbot (see #1)
- rangerbot
- chipbot
- BleepBloop
- Other (leave comment)
0 voters
DOLANBOT FOREVER!!! Clearly, this is the only right choice.
Omg. If the bot’s name is GOOBYPLS, then we’d have to type @GOOBYPLS to trigger the bot, causing the boards and PMs to be full of people yelling GOOBYPLS
You’re the admin, make it happen
Gizmoduck. But only if it will only respond to blatherin blatherskite
But but but……my name is GOOBY PLS. It would confuse me terribly if the bot shared my name. WAIT—WHAT IF I AM THE BOT?! WHAT IS LIFE?! WHY AM I HERE!!!
(@ModernTimes Life is life. There is no ways for hiding from it.)
If you named it Gadgetbot, it’d have to speak in increasingly convoluted Gadgetisms. Not sure if that’s a desirable effect for a help bot.
@DolanBot display help
I currently know how to do the following things:
@dolanbot start {name-of-tutorial}
Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message.
can be one of:tutorial, advanced tutorial
@dolanbot roll 2d6
3, 6
@dolanbot quote
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become. — Buddha
@dolanbot fortune
You may rely on it
@DolanBot roll 2d6
1, 4
@DolanBot fortune
Concentrate and ask again
@DolanBot fortune
Who was phone? Was it you?