What's new? How is everyone?

Hello friends!

Just checking in to see what you’ve all been up for and how things are.

I’m doing better than I was before because I’m finally working again. My husband and I are also doing a little “side hustle” together, so that’s kept my spirits up a bit.

Bonus pic- there was a little production error on a Chip n Dale decal I was making, so I decided to use it to cover up the center of my laptop rather than let it go to waste


50th today. Not feeling too old yet heh.

Happy (belated) birthday!

And as to how things are for me…

Got a 60 day notice to vacate from my landlord. They want to give this apartment to their special needs daughter. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem… except I have nowhere to move to. Back when I moved to the downstairs apartment here, they had told me they were fixing up a place a block over that I might be able to have… nice dry basement, washer and dryer, nice big yard for Cody… BUT now that I need to find a different place, they’ve already rented it out. They have said, however, that they will try to find a place for me.

As an absolute last resort, my ex-girlfriend has a place across town and has been renting out her guest room to a pair of deadbeats she’s trying to get rid of. However, she has reservations about kicking them out since they have nowhere to go either.

Good to hear you found work, Ducky! What did you end up doing?

Happy 50th, Mayhem!

KS, that sounds pretty awful. In my experience the world sucks for renters. I hated every minute of apartment living.

As for me, it’s going well enough. We’re up to 4 cats and 2 bearded dragons, I have my own cushy office at work, and all of my bills are paid. It’s a good life.

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Two other people I know have recently had the renting rug pulled from under them, and 90 days to find somewhere else. I suspect with the inflation and interest rate issues going on (also happening here), landlords are selling up as they are struggling to afford portfolios.