Rescue Rangers Movie Discussion Thread

But… mice don’t lay eggs. :nauseated_face:

They can’t breed with flies either, so… shrugs

I guess it comes down to what you’d rather see coming out of Gadget’s gadget.

Well! That was an interesting experience.
It wasn’t bad, but it sure as heck wasn’t Good either.
A solid 5 out of 10.

The story was what I’d best describe as “clumsy” in the way it was put together. I suppose it is a comedy, and a cartoon comedy at that, but Who Framed Roger Rabbit proved decades ago that you can make it fit together well despite that.

The required human partner was extremely superfluous to the film and was painfully unfunny. It’s a shame the main villains had to get hit with the ‘Painfully dumb’ stick so many times through the film. It made it impossible to see them as a threat.

And the less that’s said about Zipper and Gadget the better. Goodness, that was terrible.

On the upside, I did laugh a couple of times throughout the film. There were some good jokes in there.
The whole Ugly Sonic thing was absolutely brilliant. That had me pausing the film because of how much I laughed at it. Best bit in the film, and I’m glad they carried it as long as they did.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the references, the dozens and dozens of references everywhere.

So anyway, very mixed bag. But worth watching for sure.

I’m about 20 seasons behind but I know they did the same thing in the simpsons. Marge and Homer’s origins have been pushed up to the point they were in highschool in the 90’s now. Which invalidates pretty much everything I remember.

Agreed. These movies usually make the mistake of making the ‘human’ the focus too which no one is interested in. But that seems to be a trend that is fading finally. I’m glad she’s hardly in it. I didn’t find her funny just awkward.

Captain Putty’s fight scene actually creeped me out and felt more dangerous than the amalgamation Peter turned into. I actually liked the character but maybe I’m biased toward anything J.K. Simmons is playing.

The cheesemonger seemed like a bit of a waste. The promotions played him up but he was in the movie for all of five minutes. Cheese as an allegory for drugs was meh but I get it, it’s disney. The fact they took it that far is a minor miracle.

@ModernTimes I doubt considerations for the fans interest in shippings entered into the process at all. This movie is sort of miss named anyway as it all happens out side of the show Rescue Rangers, so can just be taken as being outside of continuity. I could see it going in other ways as well. Gadget married one of them leading to the split of the team and then divorce and on into cliche we go.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: John Mulaney and Dave Chapelle


So, this movie has gotten a lot of mixed reactions from the fandom, and overall animation fans in general.

From it’s commentary on the ever changing animation business. To it’s possible controversial take on the actor who originally played Peter Pan in the animated classic of the same name.

To it’s shipping of two Ranger characters no one would’ve guess, and thus met with overall negative feedback

Disney’s shot taking on bootlegs and other studios, plus more.

Comments are Welcomed

LIVE: CHIP 'N' DALE RESCUE RANGERS (DISNEY+) Movie Review (Will Contain Spoilers) - YouTube #ChipNDaleRescueRangersMovie #TheLonelyIslandBoys #MovieReview #Disney #ChipNDaleRescueRangers #GadgetHackwrench #Parody #RescueRangers

If they hadn’t given Zipper an actual voice I might not have been sold on it. But I still think it was damn funny

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I’m somewhat relieved they went the way they did with parodying and satirizing things. I don’t think they could have captured the spirit of a show that’s 30 years old by now and done it justice. So just going along with the zeitgeist of the 20’s where Disney can poke fun at itself at the very least wasn’t going to annoy me for trying to recreate what was, and failing. The movie just had to stand on its own merit.

Some of the jokes or characters didn’t work as well as others. The human character could just as easily been a toon, and it would have been less cringe. And some of the cameos were wasted. Why have Randy Marsh if you don’t take the opportunity to joke about midlife crisis in a movie of washed-up actors? Because it actually worked with Ugly Sonic. Also, is it just me or was the Pony cameo out of left field? But the references overall did work, and some of them on multiple levels. The mockbuster industry is painfully accurate and I feel Disney deserved to take that shot. And it’s surreal when fat Peter Pan was in a comedy routine in Dutch years before this movie was even announced.

Also, Gadget and Zipper as a pairing was silly enough that it pretty much sidesteps all the shipping drama. As it should.


Anyone want a new Ranger WAIFU alongside Gadget, Foxglove, and Tammy? Well here, I give you Chip’s Mom. WHOA!
Screenshot_20220522-034617_Samsung Internet

I actually had a thought with her eyes that maybe it was Clarice but she doesn’t have a beauty mark. Not that I would ever imply an oedipus complex, that’s for rule34 to deal with.

(also I just realised the double entendre of cutie mark. I feel like such an idiot.)

#ChipNDaleRescueRangersMovie #TheLonelyIslandBoys #GadgetHackwrench #ChipNDaleRescueRangers #Disney LIVE: CHIP 'N' DALE RESCUE RANGERS: The Gadget Romance Issue In The Movie Needs To Be Addressed - YouTube

Most non hardcore RR fans I know who’ve seen the film have generally liked it. As in not as rabid as us. Hopefully I’ll catch it during the week, weekend has been crazy busy.

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I apologize for nothing!


This is a joke that appears during the end credits, but I wish it was an actual thing!


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It’s probably coming. I mean didn’t cartoon network do this.

The design looks a little similar to the art they used for this mobile game

Edit: It made me realize, if it does become a thing, it’ll very likely be a mobile game

a pale imitation gamelike product you mean

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I finally got down to watching it and I believe this is the kind of movie RR needed to be, rather than what some fans wanted and dreamed up in their headcanon for 30+ years. Clearly, the filmmakers were fans at heart and grew up with the show. Were they fanfiction writers or fan artists or did they run websites or moderate forums based on it? Who knows? But they saw an opportunity to do something different that would be inclusive to a wider (newer) audience, but with respect to those who enjoyed the show, even religiously, who are grown up and can appreciate the humor as well as some fond memories. I think true fans ought to dig this affectionate parody. I felt nostalgic watching it and had quite a few laughs. The film did what it set out to do and that should be celebrated.