(Re)Introduce Yourselves!

Up here I mentioned the music projects I’ve got going, which includes my band with my sister! You can find it here: Music | Ruiness (bandcamp.com)

I want to note though that we’re not a pony band (never cared for the word brony honestly, I’m not anybody’s bro), we’ve just done a couple of songs based off the show. The majority of what we’ve recorded is more personal and not fandom work :> The “Cry Havoc” EP (found here :arrow_forward:︎ Cry Havoc EP | Ruiness (bandcamp.com) ) is our first official release and two songs on it are MLP related, the rest are unrelated. Going forwards we’re not going to be doing any MLP songs, that time in our life is decidedly over.

Oh yes, I do know Pulse Wave! Holy hell, he was Midnight Man the whole time?!?! oh my god!

Ok, I’m late to the intro party. I’m a reeeeeaaallllyyyy old member of the original CnDO forums, like 2006-2009 era. I’m Syaoran2001, a handle I’ve used on many different communities since around the year 2000. If you’re wondering how to pronounce my name, it’s Schau(rhymes with cow)-ron (like Ron Weasley). Most people on the old forum called me Sy, which I’m fine with. It’s a character from my favorite anime series of all time, Cardcaptor Sakura; I first started using it on a Cardcaptor forum a million years ago, when social media was BBS’s, Usenet, and IRC chat.

I started at The Acorn Cafe and was pretty active there for quite awhile before finding the Chip N Dale online board. After a lot of drama at the Cafe and becoming increasingly alienated from them due to their homophobic policies I moved to more inclusive and fun CnDO forum and consequently found a much better group of people I related to much better. The small group of us I remember being the most active and having the best time with was me, Ducky, Scifly, ksharbaugh, Light (despite his antics and trolling) and Campisi. I actually got Campisi and Light confused when I came back here, because I think he was a bit of troll at one point too, maybe I’m misrembering. Anyway, I had a lot of fun in those days, but eventually my interests changed and life got, and an almost dead forum for a waning obsession of mine fell by the wayside. I thought of the forum occasionally and wondered if it was still active but never took the time to check in, until I got the invite for this place.

As for me personally, in the last couple of years I’ve been questioning and exploring my gender and sexual identity and presentation and have thoroughly confirmed I’m some sort of queer, just don’t know what yet. I’m leaning more femme presenting identifying as mostly non-binary or gender fluid, you can use he or they pronouns for me. Gender expression is a fun new adventure for me and I’m gaining more confidence all the time in how I want to present and in who I am in general. I seem to be in good company with many here in that regard.

My general interests include video games, anime, weird music and movies, cartoons, coin collecting, antique telephones, vintage bicycles, and fashion design. Would love to talk any of those things with people here, although some of them I’m probably the only one who knows anything about here (any phone collectors? I doubt it)

I’m excited to be a part of this community again, love seeing some of the old guard here.

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Well now I feel silly for using Sy all these years. Sy doesn’t rhyme with cow! :cow:

You can still call me Sy, I don’t mind, I always remember you calling me that so it’s fine. It’s not something most people would naturally by able to sound out if you haven’t seen the anime so I forgive anyone who doesn’t know.

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Gender is hard, aye.
Good luck with yours!

I do wonder still just what factors have apparently led to such a concentration about the proportion in the general population here.

Hi there, I’m Regrin.

I was one of the OG members of CnD Online way back in 2006. I had originally joined the Acorn Cafe a year or two before that. (@ThatGuyLight was the one to bring me over here :smiley:). I don’t know exactly what brought me into the fandom way back when. I think It was Chris Fischer’s “Of Mice and Mayhem” comic. Anyways, I was really into the art aspect of the community and would post my art. Though, it’s been a while since I did any real art. I do doodle occasionally. I’m sure somewhere there are pictures of my art floating around. Life kind of got in the way (as it does) and I disappeared for a long while. I hope to change that and a least be semi-active around here.

Lets see… I’m from Canada, been working at the same job for 15 years (Go Costco! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). Before that, I went to university at graduated with a BA in History with a minor in Political Science. I have two kids now. One is almost 13 and the other is 10 and a half.

I enjoy most types of music, but mainly listen to Metal/Rock and Epic Instrumental music (Not entirely sure what the specific genre is called). I love playing D&D, watching Comic Book Movies/shows (more Marvel than DC), playing video games and just being a nerd lol.


Hi all, interesting reading through these intros - suspect I’m one of very few completely new users. I got interested in CDRR and the associated fandom around 2003, but quickly found that the one option for discussing them at the time was in a forum whose mods had some stances that I really didn’t appreciate, so I kind of backed off and did other things. Was in bed with covid for a week late last month, saw CDRR was on Disney+, and have been re-watching, so I thought I’d have another look online at groups, and here I am. Alongside re-watching the show I’ve been having a kick at some of the fanfic, which is fun.

In terms of me, I work in cyber security and have for some time. I’m a very amateur musician, which just means playing around with synths (mostly virtual) and ableton live.

Music is my biggest interest, so I’m generally listening to something if I’m awake, and I try to get to live stuff every week or two though obviously COVID completely ruined that. Mainly listen to electronic stuff, experimental / post-whatever, black metal, drone, doom, and some ambient. Promise I won’t completely spam the “what are you listening to” thread. :sweat_smile:


Welcome! Glad you found us, though sorry it wasn’t earlier.

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Welcome! I’m so glad you finally found us. You seem to be in good company with the other musicians here :slight_smile:

You say you became interested in the show and associated fandom sometime around 2003. What brought you to it so long after it aired?

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Thanks both!

Well, for the life of me I can’t remember how I happened upon it back then, but somehow Of Mice and Mayhem hit my radar, and like everyone else, I absolutely loved it. I used to read a lot of webcomics, it must have come up in comments or something.

Funny thinking about it - before social media people had to talk to each other to find these things, and I’m not sure how else that would have happened in 2003 - that was not a very sociable period in my life. :sweat_smile:

How about yourself? Did you go straight from the show airing to the fandom?

I’m so glad Fish changed his handle (he originally was known as Mayhem himself hence the inspiration for the name of said story) otherwise it would have been very weird having two Mayhems in the CDRR fandom (I’ve used this handle now for almost 30 years!).

Nah I never really dipped into the fandom until the DVDs came out and I stumbled upon here and the Acorn Cafe. And the rest is history…

Oh, have you encountered Arcane’s comic yet?

You might actually have seen posts from him on the forum already, but I thought I’d check, just in case, since it sounded like something you might be interested in.
(Many of the pages also have carefully selected background music linked in the descriptions.)

Oh, hah, my no! I was born in 1990, for a start, and on top of that we only had antenna TV, and often not great reception. My childhood exposure to the show, as far as I recall, was a couple of VHS tapes, and that was it.

If I recall the events correctly, it was only later, in college, I think either late 2009 or early 2010, that I happened to come across a mention online of the Russian Gadget Cult. I then got curious what on Earth about the show had led to an actual cult forming – or at least, some people deciding to base a fake prank cult (I’m still not sure how real that was.) on it in particular. So, I did some more research; in the process, I watched the full series through on YouTube, found and enjoyed some fanfiction, and found an earlier version of this forum. Also the other forum. Fortunately, I’d seen enough elsewhere to not base my impression of the fandom entirely on the other forum.

After that I just kind of started hanging around on CnDO. I’m pretty quiet here, generally – though it might be worth noting that an RPG group that started on CnDO with me as a member has now been meeting nearly every week for over a decade straight, and I and one other person from here are the only ones who’ve been active members right from the beginning until the present.

Thanks, I hadn’t seen this before and it’s terrific. Really enjoying it so far, and like the idea of the music pairings - great work @arcanethewoof!

Afraid it’s safe to assume that I’ve missed most major things in the fandom in the last little while - any other recommendations happily received. :grinning:

I remember that Russian cult thing, assumed it was a bit of a joke, but was conscious you can never quite be sure with people. There are worse things to worship I guess.


Oh, glad I thought to mention it, then!

I’m afraid nothing else recent is coming to mind for me, though, other than various bits of individual pieces of artwork around the forum and such, I guess. In terms of older stuff… it’s been a while since I read Rescue Rangers fanfic, sorry. The only author’s name I’m remembering at present is John Nowak – though if you haven’t encountered his work yet, he wrote some good stuff, IIRC.

Yeah, who knows?
And aye.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I’m afraid I’m not super active around here—I’ve got a lot on my plate and it’s difficult for me to participate actively in every circle I’m in—so my comic is my primary contribution to this little community, and I’m always happy if it brings someone a smile :blush:

…or an emotion, at least. I know it isn’t always trying to make you smile. In fact sometimes the opposite. You know what I mean.


I don’t think the fandom really existed when I first watched the show, outside the other kids I knew who also watched it.

I was lucky enough to visit Disneyland while the Disney Afternoon Avenue attraction was around. That’s the closest thing we had to a fan convention back then :smile:

I didn’t actually start seeking out any fan sites until the mid-2000s, and the only ones I was able to find were very focused on Gadget. I was a Chip and Dale fan and a fan of the show, so only being able to find people who wanted to talk about Gadget and who she should date was a little disappointing.

Aaaaand that’s why I made this place and I guess that’s when I entered the fandom? I don’t know. I was always a Rescue Rangers fan and never really grew out of the love I had from when I was a kid.